Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How To Choose A Strong Password For Your RR Email?

To ensure the safety of your email account, make sure that the password that you are using is easy for you to remember but complicated for others. To know some tips on how to create a strong password, follow the blog post carefully.
The password is a key that protects your account, be it an email box or access to your online bank accounts. Hence, you need to make sure that you choose a strong password, which is easy to remember and complex enough that no one else is able to guess it.
The choice of password is not trivial: this password is just as important as the secret code of your credit card. Because tomorrow (and maybe already today) in your mailbox, you will receive invoices, access codes, confidential information about your business, bank or any other important matter, so if any such information gets in the hands of hackers, then they can use that information against you. Here is how you can safeguard your email account.

Choose a safe password

If you can choose your password, stick to these tips:
  1. Avoid too simple passwords: first names, "azerty", "123456", "foo", etc. They are too easy to discover. Also, do not use the title of your account or any part of it in your password.
  2. Do not use information known to your loved ones: your place of residence, your maiden name, your date of birth, the name of your pet, etc. This kind of password is indeed very easy to guess for someone who knows you a little or who is friends with you on Facebook.
  3. Mix preferably letters, numbers and special characters (! # $% -_). Hackers indeed use computer programs to crack passwords: testing one by one the words of the dictionary does not pose them any problem.
  4. Alternate upper and lower case, to reinforce the security level of your password.
  5. Prefer long passwords, preferably longer than 10 characters. The longer your password, the more difficult and time consuming it is.
  6. Do not add accents to your passwords
A tip to create a good password? Code an easy-to-remember phrase, movie title, or song title using the first letters of each word. Feel free to use positive or motivational phrases that will cheer you up or give you fishing. Serena Williams chose passwords such as "I will go to work in Africa to help children". "You will be surprised by the number of times you log in each day and have the opportunity to trigger positivity," she says. A blogger even says that opt ​​for the password "0ublieL @! "Allowed him to overcome his divorce.

Security instructions

  1. If you can, then make sure to change your password regularly (ideally every 6 months).
  2. Do not use the same password for all your accounts. A hacker who manages to intercept it (or a dishonest webmaster) would then have access to all your accounts. If you are afraid of not finding it, create your password using a constant part (tOto_12 for example) and add a suffix or a prefix related to the service you use. For example, the first 3 letters of the name of the site (which gives you tOto_12hot for a RR Com Login password, tOto_12gma for a TWC email password, etc.)
  3. If you share your computer with someone, do not check the "remember password" box in your email software preferences or your web browser.

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